Sunday, September 21, 2008

The people have come out to the show and they are spending DOLLARS !!!

AMEN !! We did our first art show this weekend and the people came and they spent money !!! REAL MONEY !!!
I have a renewed sense of optimism that all will be well. This is going to be a GREAT show season. We were at the Roswell Arts Festival this past weekend, September 20th and 21st, in the square , Roswell, GA. Beautiful weather, we had guys to help unload our vehicles, and get our tents up, we had great sales ( possibly our best show ever), and the breakdown was wonderful as the Roswell Parks and rec. Dept. was there to help with that as well. I must publicly commend and thank Linda and Jessica Yanulavich for this being the best Roswell show.
Ladies thank you so much ! And thank you to everyone that came out and helped support us, we do love you guys !

I really feel very optimistic that we are coming out of a very dry spell for us artists. With the election around the corner, in fact 44 days away, we can see the light at the end of that tunnel. Even with gas prices going up in the past week and a lot of gas stations without gas. It is going to be OK. All will be well. Fear not my fellow artists, we will be able to make money again. This weekend proved that to me.

My next show is the Atlanta Bead Extravaganza next friday, saturday and sunday , September 26th, 27th and 28th, at the North Atlanta Trade Center, in Norcross GA. and I have no beads ready, no wait I have 1 bead set ready. So I will be putting in 4 - 12 hour days to get it done.

So if you are here in Atlanta, come out and see me at the show ! for more info go to my web site at


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